On a related note...
...I can't help but notice that the new Kingdom Hall designs strongly resemble legalized cannabis dispensaries in my area, and IMO - should they ever need to be sold - could be easily repurposed as such with minimal refurbishing.
Coincidence, or irony? (the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive)
Hi Vidiot
I haven’t seen legalized cannabis dispensaries. But I am aware that since 1950s there has been a movement to legalise LSD on the basis of religious freedom.
The Ratafarians say that weed is grass and therefore the wheat from which bread is made. The bread of life is symbolised in the eucharist.
A one-time director of psychiatric research at the Kaiser Family Foundation , and lecturer in psychology at Harvard University (1959-1963), Timothy Leary set out to legalise LSD by framing it as the bread of life/eucharist. He gave LSD to the Theology Dept at Harvard and it received a positive response. He called his movement the League for Spiritual Discovery.
So, if you are able to take the name Jah and disconnect it from the Bible, connect it to Haile Selassie, say he was both God and Jesus and took weed. Maybe a time will come when a lot who have left the Watchtower will feel compelled to return to the head/the Ras… the GB? Is it possible that along with new light, the elders will be renamed counsellors or volunteer psychiatric helpers with rights to influence clinicians on who should or should not be allowed weed?
An imaginative idea I know. But the WBTS is shocking and unbelievable in so many ways.
Why not take a look at this video and see what Aldous Huxley felt was just around the corner, in 1958. A Brave New World and a dictatorship of the future. At 9:15 he talks of Soma (a made-up drug from his novel) and goes on to explain that to get the consent of the ruled you would use drugs (11:24) and propaganda so as to get people to actually love their slavery (11:53).